Complaint Procedure

In the event of a concern or complaint at Northeast Iowa Community College, issues should be resolved at the lowest level possible to resolve the concern quickly and to the satisfaction of those involved. Students are encouraged to make an informal inquiry to an instructor, advisor or assigned dean/director as soon as possible following the event that gave rise to the complaint.

Staff, visitors, community members or other individuals are encouraged to make informal inquiries to the designated staff person with assigned responsibility in the area of concern as soon as possible to reach a resolution.

When resolution is not reached or not practical though informal inquiry, a formal complaint may be filed. A formal complaint is required in writing and is submitted to the executive director for risk management. The executive director for risk management will assess and forward the complaint to the appropriate College representative for resolution. The representative areas include:

  • The vice president of learning and student success and department deans/director: Complaints that concern faculty, instruction, grades, advising and academic processes; student services department policies or processes and learning and writing centers, testing centers, library, accessibility services or student activities.

  • The executive director for risk management: Behavior/misconduct reports and complaints regarding students.
  • The vice president of finance and administration: Complaints related to financial or billing issues.

  • The executive director of human resources: Complaints related to civil rights, discrimination, sexual violence, harassment and formal grievances from bargaining unit members.

  • The associate vice president for operations: Complaints related to facility and auxiliary services including Cougar Store, cafeteria, Child Development Center and maintenance/custodial concerns.

  • The vice president of Business and Community Solutions: Complaints from Business and Community Solutions, service locations and/or business and industry partners.

A meeting will be arranged with the individual and, if necessary, the charged party according to the NICC policy to the related charge.

An incident of concern form is also available online to allow students, staff, visitors and community members to provide information about concerning behaviors or incidents.

If you still feel there has been no resolution made, you may contact the Bureau of Iowa College Aid, Iowa Department of Education, by filling out an online dispute form or calling 877.272.4456.