Inspire Our Consumer

Provide high-quality, innovative, affordable and responsive programming.


Expand guided career pathways to align with effective practices. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place

Status Goal
80% Complete Develop and implement guided pathway bridge programming for high school and adult ESL learners to CPC or credit programming
45% Complete Build a strong and comprehensive AA/AS transfer communication plan for concurrent enrollment students.
60% Complete Embed high school advising in the Career and College Coaches position.
40% Complete Develop guided pathways for part-time students.
60% Complete Ensure 90 percent of all students receive career guidance and/or resources.

Continue implementation of strategic enrollment management plan. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place

Status Goal
30% Complete Write comprehensive and consistent recruitment and retention plans.
95% Complete Implement the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.
20% Complete Increase the graduation and transfer rates for transfer students.
80% Complete Expand business partnerships.
60% Complete Create innovative program/course delivery methods to improve student access, maximize space and decrease time-to-delivery.
98% Complete Initiate program promotion campaigns for the top program market opportunities.
60% Complete Leverage funding sources to increase enrollment and remove financial barriers.
80% Complete Complete district-wide training on the HSED through the credit recruitment model.
90% Complete Solidify the career academy/early admission program model and provide training.

Create innovative educational systems that foster faculty and student engagement, quality curriculum and outcomes that prepare the student for employment or further education. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place

Status Goal
95% Complete Streamline the College Earn and Learn model.
50% Complete Renew employee sponsorships utilizing the revised form.
90% Complete Add new and innovative programming (Assembly, 3D Animation, Direct Support Professionals, IM upskilling).
80% Complete Define the flow of information between sector boards, advisory boards, deans and program managers.
70% Complete Implement the ACE Military Guide.
90% Complete Provide education that builds in-demand skills leading to AA and AS transfer.
70% Complete Recruit and development of BCS MFG/Trades trainers/instructors.
30% Complete BCS new instructor training.
10% Complete Align CPC instructor onboarding, evaluation and training to credit standards.
70% Complete Implement Industry 4.0 curriculum, training and education.
20% Complete Complete renovation of industrial maintenance, robotics, automation, and engineering technology in cross-functional CBE space.
75% Complete Enhance the referral and partnership with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC)and the College to explore fees for service consulting.
30% Complete Expansion of SBDC grants and programming.

Build stronger engagement with our high schools and business partners. Recruit

Status Goal
75% Complete Continue to prioritize college and career readiness activities in the high schools.
95% Complete Grow concurrent and PICC offerings in the Dubuque Community Schools.
95% Complete Created an education academy pathway in partnership with Clarke University and Dubuque public high schools.

Streamline credit for prior learning that is easy for the consumer to complete. Recruit

Status Goal
10% Complete Provide professional development opportunities for staff and faculty.
75% Complete Work with Zurich students to develop unified CPL review processes.
0% Complete Attend CAEL (Nov., 2024) to explore Learner Education records and transcript competencies to credit.

Expand Athletics. Recruit

Status Goal
60% Complete Work with Cabinet and Board of Trustees to identify resources.
20% Complete Recruit additional personnel

Continue to strengthen faculty-led assessment of student learning. Complete

Status Goal
100% Complete Revise the Assessment Plan expanding faculty roles and leadership.


Expand guided career pathways to align with effective practices. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place

Status Goal
100% Complete Implement credit and non-credit CNA.

Continue implementation of strategic enrollment management plan. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place

Status Goal
100% Complete Evaluate customer service on registration sites and phone response.

Create innovative educational systems that foster faculty and student engagement, quality curriculum and outcomes that prepare the student for employment or further education. Recruit, Enroll, Retain, Complete and Place

Status Goal
100% Complete Develop non-credit to credit pathways.
100% Complete Provided year-round youth programming incorporating STEAM education for 5+ years of age.
100% Complete Strategic Grant procurement to support new and innovative programming. (GEER II Grant, American Rescue, EDA, ESOL, entry-level CDL Training program funding)
100% Complete Incorporate Advanced Mechatronics/Robotics/Automation into the Industrial Maintenance program.

Build stronger engagement with our high schools and business partners. Recruit

Status Goal
100% Complete Cross training of College and Career Coaches to support College and Career Planning in high schools.
100% Complete Implementation of Child Care Earn and Learn model.

Streamline credit for prior learning that is easy for the consumer to complete. Recruit

Status Goal
100% Complete Verify the CPL website is clear and up-to-date.
100% Complete Ensure CPL policies are up-to-date.
100% Complete Work with Marketing to ensure CPL options are visible to students.

Expand Athletics. Recruit

Status Goal
100% Complete Engage program Consultant to review current progress and make recommendations to the College.
100% Complete Hire a new Athletic Director.