Building Construction

Career Pathway Certificate
Calmar, Peosta
Time to Complete
3 Months
NICC students working in a construction lab.

Gain hands-on training in basic construction concepts, rough framing, concrete, insulation, building codes and permits, and finish carpentry. Earn certifications in CPR/First Aid, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Silica Safety during the program, and develop your job readiness, teamwork and communication skills. 

 At the Peosta and Dubuque locations, NICC partners with Four Mounds for the earn and learn lab portion of the program. 

Paying for the Program

Tuition and Fees

* Approximate cost. Amount reflects the estimated tuition and student fees based on rates at the time of publication. These rates do not include additional expenses (books, tools, supplies, living expenses, licensures, remedial or pre-requisite coursework or partnership tuition and fees, etc.) related to your NICC education. Rates are subject to change.

Financial Aid & Tuition Assistance

There are many options available for tuition savings. Credit programs may have opportunities for Financial Aid eligibility, while non-credit programs have separate tuition savings available on a per-program basis.

Career Pathway Certificate

You may qualify to earn a Career Pathway Certificate at no cost if you meet all eligibility requirements.

Employer Partners

Four Mounds logo    Gronen logo    JBH logo    Croell logo    RCP logo

Enrollment Process

Register and pay tuition now for the next class offering or Apply for Tuition Assistance

  • For Tuition Assistance contact NICC Business and Community Solutions to complete the following:
    • Tuition Assistance Program Application
    • CASAS Assessment
    • Interview with NICC staff

Program Information

Course Hours
CPR/First Aid 4
Workforce Readiness Skills 8
OSHA 10 Construction & Silica Safety 12
Basic Construction Skills 32
Building Construction Lab 46
Total Hours 102

Transfer Information

Graduates of this Career Pathway Certificate program may enter the workforce or transfer course credit into the Carpentry program. For a listing of courses and how they transfer, visit the Credit for Prior Learning page and select "Credit for Northeast Iowa Community College Non-Credit Coursework" to see the "Non Credit to Credit Course Matrix."

Program Contacts

Mark Gerein
Mark Gerein
Associate Dean of Industrial Technologies
  • Email:
  • Phone: 844.642.2338, ext. 2166
  • Location: Peosta