Child Care Level 2

The Child Care Level 2 pathway certificate prepares students for ongoing work as caregivers in a child care center and/or transfer into the Early Childhood Education diploma program. Instruction begins with an introduction to the early childhood profession in which major learning theories, ethical standards, and current trends that influence best practice are explored. It also includes an overview of assessment and trends that influence best practices. Students will learn the influences of families and diversity. This program is for child care workers wanting to further their education or successful completers of the Career Pathway Certificate: Child Care Level 1 program.
Paying for the Program
Tuition and Fees
Financial Aid & Tuition Assistance
There are many options available for tuition savings. Credit programs may have opportunities for Financial Aid eligibility, while non-credit programs have separate tuition savings available on a per-program basis.
Career Pathway Certificate
Enrollment Process
Register and pay tuition now for the next class offering or Apply for Tuition Assistance.
- For Tuition Assistance contact NICC Business and Community Solutions to complete the following:
- Tuition Assistance Program Application
- CASAS Assessment
- Interview with NICC staff
- View the Program Admission Checklist.
Transfer Information
Graduates of this Career Pathway Certificate program may enter the workforce or transfer course credit into the Early Childhood Education credit certificate program or the Early Childhood diploma program. For a listing of courses and how they transfer, visit the Credit for Prior Learning page and select "Credit for Northeast Iowa Community College Non-Credit Coursework" to see the "Non Credit to Credit Course Matrix."
Program Contacts

- Email:
- Phone: 844.642.2338, ext. 3139
- Location: Town Clock