College and Career Connection

College and Career Connection (CCC) is a program that exposes students to high-demand career areas and sets them on the pathway to career and educational success beyond high school. The program provides work-based learning opportunities for students in partnership with local businesses.

NICC's College and Career Connection is partially funded by the Iowa Intermediary Grant. 

Benefits for Students and Educators

  • Students (and parents!) save time and money by knowing the career path to follow after high school.
  • Career coaches work with students to find the right post-graduation plan.
  • Opportunities for job shadows, internships, pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships.

Benefits for Business Partners

  • Recruit future workforce by connecting with schools and individual students.
  • Provide professional development to teachers regarding careers in your industry through workshops and externships.
  • Serve as a career mentor to a student interested in your field of work.
  • Explore the possibility for pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships. 

College and Career Connection Resources

Employer & Educator Forms and Resources

Department of Education - Sectors of Opportunity - Iowa Career Pathway Mapping Projects

Department of Education - Industry Toolkits


“I participated in College and Career Connection at NICC because I wanted to go on job shadows and learn more about the careers within the computer science field. There are so many different avenues and researching only does so much compared to seeing what the jobs are like in person.”

Tracy Schaefers
Edgewood-Colesburg High School

“Winneshiek Medical Center has offered job shadows, tours, and experiential learning to students across the area for decades. Because experience is one of the key methods of learning used in health care, it was a natural fit to partner with the Career Learning Link to continue offering these experiences. Our collaboration with NICC College and Career Connection is important because it gives us the opportunity to connect with the bright and dedicated youth in the area who may one day become our employees.”

Elly Lensch, MLS
Winneshiek Medical Center Education Department

“It’s exciting to see the students that are the next generation of leaders in our workplace. We value our involvement in activities such as these to grow our community.”

Kim Berns
Relationship Manager - Bank Iowa New Hampton

“My students began to see the benefits of the program right away through working with their career coach, going on job shadows and self-reflection. Participating in the College and Career Connection is for every student who wants to give their future a jump start.”

Jodi Ehlers, Business Teacher and School-to-Work Coordinator
Edgewood-Colesburg High School

Contact Us

Erin Friedley, Ed.D.
Director of College and Career Connection
844.642.2338, ext. 1157
Direct Line: 563.265.3478