Articulation Process
Articulation is a process that allows high school students to earn college credit through agreements between their high schools and Northeast Iowa Community College. Area school districts and NICC agree on core competencies and performance levels to ensure credits are transferable to the College.
Articulated courses (high school courses taught by a high school teacher) allow high school students to earn college credit in a NICC career and technical program for courses taken in the high school.
NICC instructors work with high school teachers to identify competencies that are common at both the high school and college levels. Signed agreements allow high school students to earn College credit for achieving these skills while in high school.
There is no charge, to the student or the high school, for College credit awarded through this agreement.
Transfer of Credit
Northeast Iowa Community College will accept articulated credit through partnerships established between the high school and the College.
How Articulated Credit is Earned
To receive articulated credit at Northeast Iowa Community College, the school district must have a signed course articulation agreement with the College. Student requirements include:
an official high school transcript and a Request for Articulated Credit Form must be provided to the NICC registrar.
students must attend NICC within 12 months of high school graduation to be eligible for articulated credit
credit will be entered on a NICC transcript after the student has accumulated 12 NICC credits post-high school or after earning the high school equivalency diploma (HSED)
articulated credit is given for NICC career and technical program classes, not four-year college transfer courses
visit the Department of Education website to view statewide articulation certificates and competency requirements
Contact Us
High School Partnerships
IT Building Room 205E, Peosta
844.642.2338, ext. 2320