National CTE Letter of Intent Signing Day
Calmar: Friday, April 4, 2025 at 10 am
Peosta: Friday, April 11, 2025 at 10 am
Student RSVP Industry RSVP High School RSVP
Each year, colleges around the country honor new students entering a professional career or technical field through the National Technical Education Letter of Intent Signing Day. The event mirrors the National Collegiate Athletic Association's (NCAA) National Signing Day for athletes who commit to play college sports. This day honors those who are making a commitment to technical education. In partnership with The National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3), Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) is hosting the 5th annual Signing Day Event. The College offers a wide variety of professional career and technical programs with degree, diploma and certificate options.
Letter of Intent: During the Signing Day ceremony, students will sign a letter of intent indicating their commitment to Northeast Iowa Community College in their program of choice to start Fall 2025.
The programs being celebrated this year are:
- Agriculture Business
- Agriculture Finance
- Agronomy
- Automotive Mechanics
- Beef Science Technology
- Carpentry
- Commercial Residential & Industrial Electrician
- Computer Science & Security
- Dairy Science Technology
- John Deere TECH
- Nursing
- Production & Companion Animal Veterinary Technician
- Automotive Mechanics
- Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machinist Technician
- Computer Analyst
- Dental Assisting
- Diesel Mechanics
- Engineering Technology
- Gas Utility Construction & Service
- Heating & Air Conditioning
- Industrial Automation & Mechatronics
- Industrial Maintenance Technician
- Medical Assistant
- Paramedic
- Radiologic Technology
- Respiratory Care
- Welding
Program Scholarships Available up to $500
PLUS Entry for a $1,000 Scholarship Drawing!
*Event Attendance is Required to be Eligible.
In addition, students may qualify for Iowa's Last-Dollar Scholarship which covers the tuition of students in one of our qualifying programs, including some programs being honored during this event. Students should also complete the NICC scholarship application before April 15, 2025 to be eligible for many other Northeast Iowa Community College scholarships.
This is a day to celebrate the dignity of work! High school counselors, principals, school district superintendents and civic and business leaders will be in attendance to show their support. A large delegation of Northeast Iowa Community College faculty and staff will take part in the event to celebrate and welcome the students. Family and friends are also invited to join the celebration. The event will be recorded and posted on social media later in the day.
Learn more about the National CTE Signing Day Event or view recordings from last year's Calmar and Peosta events.
Contact Admissions
Calmar Office
Student Center
Peosta Office
Student Services
Main Building