NICC names Jessica Reis new Cresco Center director
Friday, July 26, 2019
As Cresco Center Director, Reis will lead efforts that also include working with Howard County students via career coaching and academic advising, developing further student programming with Howard-Winneshiek and Riceville school districts, as well as various summer camps and other events.
CRESCO—Northeast Iowa Community College has named Jessica Reis, of rural Lime Springs, the new Cresco Center director. Reis began her position at the center on July 15.
After receiving a B.S. in Agricultural Communications from Iowa State University in 2004, Reis worked for 15 years in agribusiness, primarily for the ag equipment sector. She has served in sales and marketing roles, most notably leading marketing efforts globally for the ag division at Vermeer Corporation. For the last 18 months, Reis devoted her time to the agency side of the business in a consulting role, working at The Meyocks Group in West Des Moines focusing on strategic planning, branding and digital marketing efforts for food and ag clients.
“I am excited to serve as the liaison between Northeast Iowa Community College and the Howard County business community by helping to identify incoming talent educational needs, continuing education and professional development opportunities and enhancing the NICC-community partnership to make a positive impact on the vitality of our community. I look forward to connecting our Howard county students to NICC coursework, services and resources available through the center,” she said.
As Cresco Center Director, Reis will lead efforts that also include working with Howard County students via career coaching and academic advising, developing further student programming with Howard-Winneshiek and Riceville school districts, as well as various summer camps and other Cresco Center events.
Reis has served in leadership roles for several ag industry organizations, including: member, past-president and programs chair for the Iowa Chapter (Des Moines) of the National Agri-Marketing Association since 2004; member of the communications committee of the American Seed Trade Association; and a member of the Howard County Extension Council since 2014.
Jessica and her husband, Brandon, farm west of Cresco, and have two daughters, Harper (6) and Campbell (4).