NICC and Maquoketa Valley partner on career fair
Friday, November 1, 2019
Twenty professionals in various industries volunteered their time, energy and talents to meet with the junior class in a “speed-dating” style career fair.
DELHI—On Wednesday, Oct. 23, the junior class at Maquoketa Valley High School participated in the fourth annual career fair held at the high school. High school facilitators and Northeast Iowa Community College were excited to partner on this event again this year.
NICC Manchester Center Director, Holly Maurer, and Jennifer Wood, an NICC enrollment advisor, along with Debbie DeVore and Audrey Moenck from Maquoketa Valley, explored career exploration activities for the juniors at Maquoketa Valley.
Maurer and Wood met with the juniors on Oct. 8 to discuss preparedness for an interview, appropriate dress, questions to ask and body language, as well as telephone and email etiquette. The students also learned about NICC Career Hub, an online resource that allows students to create a free account with access to career planning tools. The students applied information gained from this session to the career fair activities.
Twenty professionals in various industries volunteered their time, energy and talents to meet with the junior class in a “speed-dating” style career fair. The professionals included a cosmetologist, principal, welder/human resource manager, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), software engineer, early childhood director, electrician/office manager, John Deere technician, ultrasound tech, an OB GYN professional, Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), concrete pumper, heavy/highway construction worker, dental hygienist, farm manager, farmer, a police deputy and entrepreneurs in the auto body, auto mechanic and graphic design industries.
These professionals were selected based upon the students’ interest areas. The professionals and students both provided positive feedback on the event. The career fair introduced juniors to career pathways, so that students could decide to pursue or eliminate a career option.
“This event was a success for high school students because it focused their efforts on a pathway they are most interested in,” stated Maurer.
Upcoming sessions at Maquoketa Valley include a True Colors assessment this fall and understanding financial literacy next spring. To learn more about the English class career exploration, contact DeVore (debbiedevore@maquoketa-v.k12.ia.us or Moenck (audreymoenck@maquoketa-v.k12.ia.us) at Maquoketa Valley. To learn more about services provided through NICC, contact Maurer (maurerh@nicc.edu).