$4.68M in skilled workforce training agreements will help to create 379 new jobs
Friday, July 2, 2021
Dupaco Community Credit Union is partnering with the College for its second 260E training agreement this year.
DUBUQUE, Iowa—A new round of workforce training agreements between businesses and Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) will help employers remain competitive and hire new skilled employees in the next year.
These agreements, as part of the 260E Iowa Industrial New Jobs Training program, will offset training costs for businesses seeking to upskill their workforce. Training can include hard skills such as welding, industrial maintenance, heavy equipment operation, workplace safety and computer skills, as well as human resources, management and leadership training. The 260E program allows NICC and its business partners to enhance the region’s workforce through employee upskilling and education. Businesses also participate in the program to retain employee talent.
Dupaco Community Credit Union is partnering with the College for its second 260E training agreement this year. Dupaco is applying the state-funded training toward two leadership programs developed with NICC, Emerging Leaders and Developing Leaders. In addition, Dupaco sponsors and participates in the College’s annual Business Summit event through the agreement.
“Being a bright spot in the lives of our members is not achieved through a financial product or service. It’s highly-trained and dedicated employees who create positive relationships, emotional connections and lasting impressions. Dupaco places a premium on education, training and development. It continues to evaluate and improve all tools to achieve this —including Northeast Iowa Community College and Iowa’s 260E program,” stated Lisa Bowers, chief people officer for Dupaco.
The credit union is one of eight companies to enter into 260E training agreements with NICC for Fiscal Year 2022. The bond sale that will fund the training certificates is valued at $4,685,000 and supports the creation of 379 new jobs in the College’s district area. The NICC Board of Trustees approved the bond issuance at its June 21, 2021, meeting.
“The 260E program through the State of Iowa creates training opportunities for local businesses of all sizes. This funding support enhances the skills of new employees in nearly every sector of our northeast Iowa economy,” said Wendy Mihm-Herold, Ph.D., NICC vice president of business and community solutions. “As we move beyond the COVID-19 pandemic in Iowa, it is this critical support that will allow businesses to grow and thrive.”
Since the 260E state legislation was created in 1985, Northeast Iowa Community College has secured and invested $98,245,469 to fund 330 different projects, creating 17,119 new jobs. For more information about the 260E program, visit the Iowa Economic Development website at iowaeda.com/grow/260e/.