Graphic Design student receives Silver ADDY in district competition
Thursday, April 7, 2022
DUBUQUE—Abbie Duclos, a Graphic Design student at Northeast Iowa Community College, was awarded a Silver District ADDY for her entry, “Frank Turner Record Cover Design.”
Abbie qualified for district-level competition after winning the college student Best of Show award, two Gold ADDY's and a Judge's Choice award in the 2021-2022 AAAwards ceremony hosted by the Dubuque chapter of the American Advertising Federation on Feb. 18 (pictured at right).
Over the last month, a diverse, accomplished trio of creative professionals from Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, New York and North Carolina joined the AAF District 9 board virtually to judge nearly 75 student entries from across the district. Abbie’s entry was one of 20 entries to receive a Gold or Silver award.
The AAF is a national nonprofit organization, promoting and protecting the interests of advertising and public relations. Locally, AAF Dubuque is the affiliate to the national organization and the American Advertising Awards.
Learn more about the Graphic Design program at www.nicc.edu/graphicdesign.