Bond levy supported renovations nearing finish line at NICC
Monday, June 19, 2023
Northeast Iowa Community College’s bond levy-supported renovation and construction efforts are nearing completion. The final two projects funded by the $39 million bond referendum include renovation of Student Center at the Calmar campus and construction and repaving work of the Peosta campus south parking lot.
The Student Center work includes expansion of the current student life area, a student recreation center and lounge, and the creation of an Esports arena. The retail area of Cougar Clothing and Supplies will also be remodeled to better assist students and promote merchandise. Additionally, Library services will be expanded to the second level of the building. Planned completion of this project is spring 2024.
The Peosta campus south parking lot work is the last of the extensive campus renovations begun in 2019. With completion there will be the addition of demonstration sites for pocket prairies. These miniature prairies will be created in the berm areas of the lot and will showcase native plants of the Midwest. Planned completion of this project is summer 2023.
District voters approved the continuation of a $39 million bond levy in September 2018. The bond levy funds supported renovations and updates throughout its 5,056-sq. mile district to address four major priorities: educational programming and services, which include creating flexible, updated and collaborative learning spaces; infrastructure, including renovations to the Peosta Campus Main Building and Max Clark Hall on the Calmar campus; security, including district-wide camera and door security systems to enhance safety; and technology priorities that include replacing network servers and enhancing cybersecurity systems.
Tags: Bond Levy