Apply for Graduation

Students who plan to receive a degree, diploma or certificate from the College must submit the graduation application to the Registrar by the posted deadline of the semester in which they plan to complete their program. This application must be completed in order for you to receive your award.

Awards will be mailed to the address listed on the graduation application after final grade check is completed, 4-6 weeks following the end of the semester.

Graduation Checklist

Students are eligible to graduate when they have fulfilled the following requirements:

  • Completion of all program requirements.
  • Maintained a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better within program of study.
  • Completion all required courses with a passing grade; certain programs require a minimum grade of C- in some or all courses.
  • Paid all fees and other financial obligations to the College.
  • Returned all library materials.
  • Submission of online exit survey and graduation application by the posted deadline.

If graduation requirements are not met, the student will be required to reapply for graduation.

Cap and Gown Ordering

Students attending a commencement ceremony will need to order a cap and gown from the Jostens website. Cap and gowns are provided free of charge to students and will be sent to the campus you attend. You will be mailed instructions in mid-April on how to pick up your cap and gown along with other details about graduation. Cap and Gown Ordering Instructions (PDF).


Calmar Commencement
Thursday, May 15, 2025, 5pm
Luther College Center For Faith and Life, Decorah

Peosta Commencement
Friday, May 16, 2025, 5pm
Five Flags Center, Dubuque

Commencement ceremonies are held in May of each year. Students eligible for participation in commencement are those within eight credit hours of earning their degree or who are registered in their last semester of a program sequence. Students who are more than eight credit hours away from completion of their program or who are not in the last semester of a program sequence must petition the Registrar's Office for permission to participate in commencement. Students who wish to have their names listed in the commencement program must submit their graduation application by the posted deadline.