Student Clubs and Organizations
Northeast Iowa Community College believes student experiences on- and off-campus are important. Taking advantage of the many opportunities to get involved in campus life helps you make connections with other students, faculty and staff, make new friends, keeps you balanced and enhances your College experience. In addition to entertainment on-campus, athletics/intramurals and service trips NICC has many clubs/organizations that are sure to interest you. If you can't find a club you are looking for, stop in the Student Life Office and learn how to start your own club!
Student Leadership
Everyone has leadership capability, but not everyone believes they can lead. Leadership is not about popularity, or personality it is about willingness. We strive to give students the confidence, training and opportunities to develop leadership abilities.
iMPACT serves as the student representative body while programming the extracurricular activities and offers a unique and rewarding opportunity to develop skills, have fun and make a difference!
All iMPACT events are open to the student body and include such events as musicians, hypnotists, novelty acts, motivational speakers, bus trips, intramural sports and service opportunities. Check out what is happening on campus by viewing the calendar of events.
Name | Title | Phone | |
Kara Popp |
Director of Student Life, Diversity and Leadership | | 844.642.2338, ext. 2230 |
Shannon Betzer |
Assistant Director of Student Life, Diversity and Leadership | | 844.642.2338, ext. 1237 |
General Interest Clubs
A general interest club is a registered group formed by students, with the support of an NICC advisor, with a common interest in an activity, hobby, or sport.
Brain Biters Club's purpose is to organize and implement a visiting scholar interview series on a monthly bases with a goal to advance professional and academic insights, spread new ideas and connect our community. Sessions and interviews will occur by zoom.
Open to all NICC students district wide, but to maintain active status should attempt to attend at least 2 interviews a semester.
Meetings are monthly on a virtual basis. Connect with the Advisor for more information.
Advisor | Title | |
Chelsea Clegg | Science Instructor | |
The mission of the NICC Creative Writing Club is to encourage anyone with an interest in writing, regardless of experience, to gain a deeper interest and involvement in their own personal writing, as well as learn and grow from giving and receiving constructive criticism in a judgment free zone.
As a club we will be sharing writing prompts, and related activities, sharing writing done within the club and personal writing if applicable, giving and receiving constructive criticism, recommending and spreading awareness of outside writing competitions and events.
Advisor | Title | |
Kylie Loeffelhotz | Communications Instructor | |
The mission of the Games, Cards & Billiards Club is to unite the gaming community at NICC and create a fun and comfortable environment.
Spring 2025 Meetings Coming Soon!
Maren Larsen
"We are dedicated to serving those who served us"
The NICC Military and Veterans Club (MAVC) provides a fellowship of individuals dedicated to guiding student members in transitioning from military service into the academic environment. Opportunities are presented for networking and building relationships, providing support to one another, doing community outreach, and much more.
MAVC creates a community for veteran and military students with events such as:
- Veterans Day Ceremony
- Group Outings
- Family Engagement
- Care Package Collection
- Educational Workshops
- Conferences
- Fundraising
Name | Title | Phone | |
Dawn Fleming | Military & Veteran Services Coordinator and Financial Aid Assistant Director | or | 844-642-2338 ext. 2247 |
View the Military, Veterans and Families webpage.
The NICC Dairy Judging Club aims to bring together students to learn how to dairy judge and compete at contests at the national level. This club will help students develop life skills in communication and critical thinking. Associated with Iowa State University, World Dairy Expo, North American International Livestock Exposition, students gain hands on experience on judging dairy including helping with Tri-State Ag & Dairy Expo.
Weekly practices are held during the season, competing on contests throughout the fall.
Advisor | Phone | |
Dave Lawstuen | | (844) 642.2338, ext. 8112 |
The Northeast Iowa Community College's Dairy Science partners with the Dairy Science Technology program to achieve their combined mission of Training Tomorrow's Dairy Professionals. Students participating in the Dairy Science Club will develop lifelong leadership skills, while developing industry relationships for future professional development.
The Dairy Science Club hosts the Tri-State Dairy and Agriculture Expo that gathers 450 plus high school students annually to participate in Dairy Cattle, Dairy Products judging as well as other agricultural educational events. The Dairy Science Club sponsors a four day trip to the World Dairy Expo, which includes two days of farm tours followed by two days at the Expo that annually attracts 1,000 dairy venders and 70,000 visitors. The Dairy Science Club also sponsors a Collegiate Dairy team that competes at the national competition at World Dairy Expo as well as other national contests.
Dairy Science Club members also participate in State and National PAS competitions, Midwest Dairy Challenge, and the Professional Dairy Producers Mentorship program.
Advisor | Phone | |
David Lawstuen | | 563-534-9957, ext 112 |
Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)
A Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) is an extracurricular group for students in career and technical education (CTE) pathways to further their knowledge and skills by participating in activities, events, and competitions. CTSOs are considered "co-curricular" organizations and are directly linked to career education coursework through a comprehensive high school, career academy or college with an organized chapter of the related CTSO.
The mission of BPA is to contribute to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, academic, citizenship and technological skills; prepares students to be effective associates and committed business leaders by educating, validating and motivating on an individual basis; to develop the business, communication, technical and leadership skills need to contribute and compete in the workplace today and tomorrow. BPA is for students enrolled in Business, Finance, Marketing and Management courses.
Learn more about the NICC BPA Club.
Common Hour - 1st Tuesday of Month 12:05 PM - 12:45 PM
*Students have the option of attending in person or remotely from any device (unless otherwise noted by **)
Calmar meeting location - Max Clark Rm. 202A
Peosta meeting location - Rm. 125
Zoom Information:
Name | Title | Phone Number | |
Sue Elwood (Calmar) | Business Instructor | | 844.642.2338 |
Angela Pyzocha (Peosta) | Business Instructor | | 844.642.2338, ext. 3322 |
Ken Brown (Peosta) | Business Instructor | | 844.642.2338, ext. 2301 |
HOSA-Future Health Professionals is a global student-led organization, whose mission is to promote career opportunities in the health industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.
HOSA aims support the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science education students, therefore, helping the student meet the needs of the health care community.
All students enrolled in concurrent High School Allied Health, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy and Radiology Tech courses have automatic paid membership by NICC.
Contact your campus advisor for information about meetings and activities.
Advisor | Title | Phone Number | |
Dawn Sanderman | Administrative Lead | | 844.369.1706, ext. 1280 |
Andrea Barth | NICC Calmar Advisor | | 844.642.2338, ext. 1431 |
Joann Svendsen | NICC HS Partnership North Advisor | | 844.369.1706 |
Lora Hannan Amy Rausch |
NICC Peosta Advisors | |
844.369.1706, ext. 2311 844.369.1706, ext. 2274 |
Kathy Demmer | NICC HS Partnership South Advisor | | 844.369.1706 |
The Iowa Professional Agricultural Student Organization (PAS) is an organization associated with agriculture/agribusiness, agriculture technologies, horticulture and natural resources offerings in approved post-secondary institutions offering certificates, diplomas, associate degrees, and baccalaureate degrees.
PAS is one of the ten career and technical student organizations that has been approved by the U. S. Department of Education as an integral part of career and technical education. We are affiliated with the National Professional Agricultural Students Organization and live out the motto "Uniting Education and Industry in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources."
Advisors | Title | |
Dave Lawstuen (Calmar) | Agriculture Instructor | |
Duane Bouska (Calmar) | John Deere Instructor | |
Honor Societies
Honors organizations support student interest in academic excellence throughout their college career.
Established in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is the international honor society for two-year colleges. Phi Theta Kappa has 1,285+ chapters and more than two million members worldwide. Membership in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society provides access to benefits that recognize your outstanding academic accomplishments and provides you with the competitive edge that helps ensure your future success.
Just a few of these benefits include:
- Members Only Scholarships
- Leadership & Service Opportunities
- Intellectual Climate for the Exchange of Ideas & Ideals
- Lively Fellowship Among Fellow Scholars
The College has two Phi Theta Kappa chapters; Beta Epsilon Phi on the Calmar campus and Beta Epsilon Pi on the Peosta campus. To be eligible for membership students must have completed of at least 12 credit hours of an associates degree with a minimum GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Learn More about Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and Membership Benefits.
Calmar Campus Chapter - Beta Epsilon Phi
Advisor | Title | |
Kelli Smutzler | Membership Advisor | |
Peosta Campus Chapter - Beta Epsilon Pi
Advisor | Title | |
Joni Knopp | Membership Advisor | |