Opportunity Scholar and Maquoketa Valley graduate finds the right fit for academic goals
Thursday, April 11, 2019
NICC DISTRICT—Ambitious with clear academic and career goals in mind, a group of 25 recent high school graduates in northeast Iowa are members of the first cohort of Opportunity Scholarships recipients selected this year.
The Northeast Iowa Community College Opportunity Scholarship awards $1,000 to one nominated senior from 28 area high schools. Student recipients have a demonstrated passion and interest for a career and technical program, or transferable degree, at NICC. The students selected the College as the first place to begin their postsecondary education.
The students are now enrolled at Northeast Iowa Community College and beginning their second semester.
Megan Beaman, a 2018 Maquoketa Valley High School graduate, is one Opportunity Scholar who found that the Associate of Arts program at NICC, and the College’s close classroom environment, are the perfect fit for her future academic plans.
“The best part about taking classes at Northeast Iowa Community College is how small the class sizes are. It’s nice because discussions over the material are easier to conduct, and it’s easier to connect and create a better relationship with the professors. Another great part about the classes is that meeting up with other students is super simple!” Beaman said.
In academic year 2018-2019, the College awarded a total of $24,000 in Opportunity Scholarships, according to Wendy Mihm-Herold, Ph.D., NICC vice president of business and community solutions.
“Northeast Iowa Community College is proud of each of our Opportunity Scholarship recipients this academic year. We are honored that these ambitious students, like Megan, have selected NICC as their first choice to start their college journey and build the foundation of a successful career. By working closely with our Success Coaches and enrollment advisors, these students are charting their future course, and the College is excited to have the opportunity to work with them,” said Mihm-Herold.
The Manchester Center is an invaluable resource for students as they enroll in college credit courses and explore potential careers. The center is convenient for students by offering access to online courses, admissions information, course registration, placement testing, financial aid assistance and academic advising. Enrollment advisors at the center provide the one-on-one attention students may need to help guide their career path and to select the NICC program most suited for their goals, says Holly Maurer, center director.
“The Opportunity Scholarship is a great way for Northeast Iowa Community College to support students who are driven to achieve their goals. Outside of the financial assistance, students have the opportunity to work with an enrollment advisor to help them on their journey at NICC. This journey could lead straight to employment or be their first steps in earing credits needed for their four-year degree,” said Maurer.
Concurrent enrollment agreements between the College and high schools in northeast Iowa support students’ future academic and career goals. From 2017-2018, more than 330 area high school students in Delaware County enrolled in 2,194 college credits through Northeast Iowa Community College, saving their families an estimated $1,172,000 in college tuition.
For more information on services offered through the NICC Manchester Center, visit www.nicc.edu/manchester or contact Maurer, center director, at (563) 822-1016.
The Manchester Center is a collaboration between the City of Manchester, NICC and Upper Iowa University. The focus of this center is to make quality education accessible to the Manchester community and surrounding area. The center helps students achieve their educational goals and works with local businesses to retain and grow their workforce.